I’m an electrical engineer working at IBM who just happens to be an avid amateur astronomer and astrophotographer. While I started career when I was about 22, I’ve been involved in the astronomy hobby much longer, since I was 15 and in Boy Scouts. It was difficult to avoid the beauty of the night sky when you are out at very remote locations away from any light pollution. That was many years ago and I’ve participated in astronomy off and on since then. Going to college and getting a full time job certainly slowed down my activity but never reduced my interest. A few years back I decided to purchase a camera to connect to my telescope and find out what I could capture. I was instantly hooked and have been very active since, going to outreach events, star parties and talking to anyone who will listen to what I have to say about astronomy.
On these pages you will find some of my photographs, tutorials, anecdotes and all sorts of miscellaneous information.
Hope you like it,
David Ault